Generous is a full-service agency that develops, launches and scales brands and products. At Generous, we love design with purpose. We love to work with clients that are passionate with their brands, and we love seeing end-product's shapes become more vivid over time, through joined efforts from our multidisciplinary teams. From our offices in Amsterdam and Lisbon we serve clients from different locations and all sorts of industries, ranging from automotive to lifestyle, fashion and retail.
At generous we love to team up with our clients to build outstanding B2C & B2B e-commerce solutions. Always with a strong focus on refined design, while on the tech-end we make sure the stack is always scalable and future-proof. We do this by applying the composable commerce principle, in which we use the best technique, tool or framework for each individual component in the digital ecosystem (best of breech). So for example, where BigCommerce is leveraged for handling all shopping functionality, we incorporate a headless CMS to manage content on various digital channels and add the possibility to enrich product pages and shopping experience. Our own middleware layer, which has been engineered by our team of highly trained and experienced developers, forms the glue between each component and makes sure the end-user is always given a seamless experience.
At we build websites from the philosophy that a website should serve as an extension of your brand and should clearly transmit your brand’s value proposition while always keeping your audience in mind. For over a decade we've been creating all sorts of websites, ranging from campaign solutions to full blown corporate sites with integrations for HR, financial and e-commerce solutions. We've seen from the front-line how over these years web technology evolved, new possibilities emerged, and how the way people navigate and consume digital content has changed. We leverage our conceptual and design skills from combined with the technological expertise from our generous.development team in order to make the best choice when it comes to deciding on the technical stack and approach - so that both fit your brand’s goals and budget - and to actually make sure it’s built as it should. Solid, user-friendly and flexible enough to grow and evolve alongside with your brand.
We have over a decade of experience with building web applications and online platforms. Over these years we have worked for all sorts of clients, in industries ranging from retail to automotive, leveraging all kinds of tools and technologies, and working with all sorts of budgets. Starting off with an architectural design by one of our senior tech-lead developers, we leverage React's modern Javascript library to build blazing fast SPA's (Single Page Applications). As we always build on top of scalable cloud infrastructure from either AWS, Google Cloud or Netlify, availability and performance of your application is not something you will have to worry about, even when your user base starts rapidly growing.
Mobile apps aren’t something you want to dive in head first. Where internet solutions exist for multiple decades resulting in a streamlined experience across basically any browser - and therefore are often more straightforward to design, build and deploy - mobile apps require certain specific considerations. Is your audience mostly on iOS, Android or both? Do you want to develop a native app for each platform or make use of solutions such as React Native in order to have one codebase for all platforms? It’s likely that your app needs a back-end for content and user management - and the solutions for these are numerous and range from fully managed platforms to completely custom build ones. Together we can assess your requirements, goals and budget and help you find the best approach and stack in order to successfully build and develop your mobile app - as we’ve successfully done in the past for clients such as Unilever, Zwitsal and Nibe.
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NL headquarters:
Oudezijds Voorburgwal 129-1
Amsterdam,North Holland