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Taim Solution Private




We at TaimSolutions, mainly provide service for custom or private app development and API Integration with external Service for BigCommerce Store. We have an apps for Google Trusted Store Integration, custom Product Filter, Stuller and Rapnet diamond API integration In case of external API integration we can write custom app for BigCommerce to integrate with any third party service.


Google Trusted Store Integration

This service will enable your store to integrate with Google Trusted Store.

Google Shopping Feed customization.

BigCommerce can export feed that Google supports. But do you want to customize it ? Adding tag for Google Ad, adding promotion id into feed, so you can show promotion going into store direct to customer...

Stuller diamond API integration

Are you in jewelry business? Want to sell Stuller( products on your BigCommerce store? We do integration from Stuller to BigCommerce so you can sell Stuller products/diamonds on Bigcommerce..

Rapnet Diamond API Integration

Are you in B2B business ? Do you have account on Rapnet ( ? We have an app to integrate Rapnet Diamond API with your BigCommerce store. You can add markups in sell price...

Verticals Serviced
• B2B
• Digital goods (e.g., print, media, music, gaming)
• Retail
• Wholesale/Manufacturing




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IN headquarters:

D-704, Shyam Hills, Op. Rajdhani Banglows, New Ranip
