Get ecommerce help from certified experts





[_ENG_] We’re 80+ passionate people with a strong and proven experience in Digital Transformation. Intesys offers: Design, Development and Integration for your B2B or B2C digital commerce. Our internal Marketing offers robust and successful boosting of your sales. ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... [_ITA_] Siamo team di oltre 80 persone, appassionate e fortemente specializzate in progetti di Digital Transformation. Progettazione UX/UI, Sviluppo ed Integrazione sistemistica del tuo E-Commerce B2B e B2C sono affiancati da servizi di Marketing Digitale che potenziano in modo robusto le performance e vendite del tuo canale digitale.



[_ENG_] Digital Transformation is much more than adopting new softwares and/or technologies: it’s a path through technical, cultural and mindset change that is the key factor for companies who want to remain relevant, competitive and possibly ahead of everyone else in the market. ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... [_ITA_] La Digital Transformation è molto di più dell’adozione di un nuovo software: è un percorso di cambiamento tecnologico e culturale necessario per offrire valore ai clienti e restare rilevanti, competitive e possibilmente al passo - e magari alla testa - dello scenario competitivo.


B2B and B2C ecommerce --- UX and UI design --- FrontEnd and FullSPA user interfaces --- System Integration --- Enterprise class Open Source solutions --- Digital and/or Inbound Marketing --- Strategy Definition --- Consulting and Service Design

Verticals Serviced
• Automotive
• Beauty & Skincare
• Books & Magazines
• Business to Business (B2B)
• Construction & Industrial
• Consumer Electronics
• Education
• Fashion & Accessories
• Food & Beverage
• Health & Wellness
• Home & Interiors
• Jewelry
• Pets
• Service-Based Industries
• Sports & Equipment
• Stationary & Office Supplies
• Toys & Games


Y = f(x) ... where people really matters!

È matematico: Y è variabile dipendente di x! Y = f(x) è il riassunto perfetto di Intesys (Y appunto!) … e le sue splendide persone, all'interno di una formula perfetta!

2 minute guide to API Architecture

Gli utenti si aspettano esperienze digitali veloci, immediate, multichannel e senza soluzione di continuità. Le aziende devono adeguare la propria Architettura IT per rispondere velocemente alle mutevoli esigenze del mercato. Semplifica ed accelera la tua Trasformazione Digitale con un'architettura API-oriented.

Looking for a cool company? Do you plan to remain abroad?

You could be a professional, a freelance, a student: join iur HR dept and tell us your story and what you're looking for.

B2B ecom: identify and enroll people via Digital Onboarding

How to securely and remotely identify and enroll customers, salespersons and any other type of people from your multilevel selling network. With our Digital On-Boarding platform/app/system you can convert unknown lead into identified and trusted contacts.


Partner details

Partner tier:

Partner type:

Agency Partner


IT headquarters:

Via Roveggia 122A
